

A simple environment support on mkdocs-material for maths writing.


Install from source:

pip install -e .


Enable on mkdocs.yml:

    - mathenv

Currently only theorem and tikzcd are supported.

Theorem environment

Set the paragraph as definition/lemma/theorem/proof/proposition by something like:

    here is a theorem


here is a theorem

    here is a definition


here is a definition

    here is a proof

here is a proof (can be collapsed)


  • enable: boolean, whether the theorem environment is enabled
  • definition/lemma/theorem/proof/proposition: the string to show on title of the box

Requires following markdown extensions:

  - admonition
  - pymdownx.details
  - pymdownx.superfences


In the rare case where you'd like to use "\theorem" directly, use "\\theorem" instead, even in the code snipet. I know it's disturbing, but it requires some effort to fix it since parsing markdown is quite annoying.

TikZcd environment

    \mathsf{DA} \arrow[rr, bend left]{}{\bar 2} \arrow[dd]{}{U}& \perp & \mathsf{DA^{\mathrm{op}}} \arrow[ll, bend left]{}{\bar 2^{\mathrm{op}}}\arrow[dd]{}{U}\\
    & & \\
    \mathsf{Set} \arrow[rr, bend left]{}{2} & \perp & \mathsf{Set^{\mathrm{op}}} \arrow[ll, bend left]{}{2^{\mathrm{op}}}

Requires xelatex and dvisvgm to work properly.

We use embedded svg diagram on the html file. Generation of the diagram may take a while, since it requires multiple intermediate stage. After generated once, with cachefile option set to true, the cached svg file will be in cache directory and would not rebuild unless the file has changed. No auto-cleaning of the deprecated cache file is available currently, so you'll have to clean & rebuild periodically for disk space (although it's not so large admittedly).

You can also use enable to control whether tikzcd is needed. True by default.

TikZcd can be embedded into other environments:

    The automaton is reachable if and only if $r$ is surjective. The automaton is observable if and only if $o$ is injective. 

        1 \arrow[rd]{}{i} \arrow[d]{}{\varepsilon}&      & 2\\
        \Sigma^\ast \arrow[r, dashed]{}{r} \arrow[d]{}{\alpha} & K \arrow[ru]{}{f} \arrow[r, dashed]{}{o} \arrow[d]{}{t} & 2^{\Sigma^\ast} \arrow[u]{}{\varepsilon?} \arrow[d]{}{\beta}\\
        (\Sigma^\ast)^\Sigma \arrow[r, dashed]{}{r^\Sigma} & K^\Sigma \arrow[r, dashed]{}{o^\Sigma} & (2^{\Sigma^\ast})^\Sigma

    This can be viewed as an alternative definition.

    ... catelogically, of course.


The automaton is reachable if and only if \(r\) is surjective. The automaton is observable if and only if \(o\) is injective.

This can be viewed as an alternative definition.

... catelogically, of course.